Rug shopping tips

How to Place an Area Rug

How to Place an Area Rug

If you use something smaller, say a 5x7, the bed does not fit well on the rug. Furthermore, the bed looks so much smaller when you use a smaller rug....

What rug color do I need?

What rug color do I need?

Fall has finally arrived. It is a perfect time to think about how we are going to add the season's colors into our homes. Bringing them in with rugs is...

What quality rug do I want?

What quality rug do I want?

Decorating with round rugs can be easier than you think. It is another great way to open up small spaces, define an area of a room and add a focal...

What rug style will suit me?

What rug style will suit me?

Inspiring rug trends with different prints, patterns and palettes allow for certain looks and feels. Let’s take a quick peek at some of the popular trends in hand-knotted, geometric, painterly...

One Rug or Multiple Rugs in a Room?

One Rug or Multiple Rugs in a Room?

Choosing between using one rug or multiple rugs requires some decorating tips. A single rug is often the best choice to have when matching or complementing elements such as window...